The 28th annual EAN conference focused on drivers for change and tried to reconcile policy and practice. During the conference, data was only briefly touched upon, despite its enormous potential for both. And whereas we saw data is common in policy, the translation to and use in action often lags behind.
At the panel discussion on the opening day with Mary Tupan-Wenno, Frank Tuitt and Tia Brown McNair, data and evidence-based practice were challenged in a question by the audience. The panel responded with strong support. We should avoid that students are our ginny pigs, but also that we stop at just the data. oing something, or “swinging the bat” as said by Tia Brown McNair, with the data is most crucial.
During the closing key note Orhan Agirdag touched upon differences and how not to shy away from using them to inform students that these might imply challenges for them. Also here, data needs to be translated into action.